this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don’t warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
let’s see an
mri of your brain then !
ed. of dillon’s claims to have his whole body intact
you really really fucked yourself, stuck in a paperbag you can’t see your way out of !
ed. dillon complains i view him as subhuman
i didn’t deliberately damage my brain did i ?
so, you’ve become
gollum , better head for the mount of doom shouldn’t you ?
just your usual
drug trip ?
why would i want to change your mind ?
toxic people like yourself deserve to stew in their own stupidity !
its taking another into that cesspool i object to !
how accurate
is this about
DMT, looks boring wacko to me !
let’s not talk about permanent brain damage !
liester crowley
a poem of roykan’s posted by planetbyter
this world
a fading
mountain echo
void and
my reply
sorta fake if you ask me !
planetbyter replies
i didn’t ask you
my reply
lol, you just did !
this world
the don’t asks
ask !
you will speak to me again because fakes are always drawn to harass truth
dillon you’re a pot damaged idiot passing the time pretending you have real understanding !
drug culture is drug culture, you reek of its bullshit, don’t play the innocent with me !
you’re a pot damaged idiot passing the time pretending you have real understanding !
toni packer who knew philip kapleau well said the enlightenment stories in the three pillars of zen were made up !
i heard her say this
the book made him a lot of money, its pop culture crap really !
some guy in therapy for anxiety and depression asks for advice on the zen retreat he has been advised by his therapist to go to
my reply
zen itself is nothing but a bunch of retarded depressives so you will be at home !
given that retreats can make people suicidal or accentuate mental illness, if you were honest about your condition to them they won’t allow you to attend !
just swallow your pills and get diseases from the side effects is the true way now !
zen never allows mentally ill people to attend retreats !
they just get crazier !
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
all the recent research shows that exercise is a huge benefit and likely a reason for retreats being potentially dangerous to depressives because of the enforced inactivity !
the evolutionary reason for exercise so instrumentally improving depression is that the brain grows because it was of benefit during the actual hunting and gathering
too much exercise is also a problem as is joint injury
cold showers, dipping in ice water, infrared exposure, saunas and rolling in the snow and sun skin exposure all generate a heat shock response which lengthens telomeres and rationally excites the immune system
lack of sleep literally physically damages the brain
r|zen, the final rest home for the drug brain damaged
fakes can only copy and get it wrong
How can anyone pass through the Gateless Gate if they can’t get past the Whatever Gate ?
what gate to where ?
zen is nothing but idiots worshipping nonsense
to a mountain hermit
it was so cold this morning and maybe the white frost jogged my memory, i thought of you gathering firewood by the stream, perhaps you are warmer than i but its a hard cold up there and i hope you are managing !
temicco dribbles
Have you read Tilopa’s six words of advice ?
Don’t recall.
Don’t imagine.
Don’t think.
Don’t examine.
Don’t control.
my reply
“ Don’t recall ” you recalled
“ Don’t imagine ” well he got that right, you have no imagination, btw what happened to it, drugs ?
“ Don’t think ” like why did you post then ?
“ Don’t examine ” yeah i would say that’s you
“ Don’t control ” you are a complete control freak
“ rest ” yeah i’d give your crazy bullshit a rest if i was you !
“ . . pretends he is also a poet who is up on all the psychiatric research ”
wot ?
not a poet ?
schizophrenic, narcissistic,
BPD, hallucinogenic, psychosis,
PTSD, autistic, aspergers,
semantic-pragmatic disorder . . .
give up !
a poem by ikkyu
the spring mountains covered with layers of most variegated colors
and the spring streams fancifully laden with the reflecting images
standing by himself between heaven and earth
facing infinitude of beings
my reworking
the hills in spring
covered in blossom
catching sight of myself in a stream
i feel suspended
real life catch-22
“ I want to get up in the morning, do a good hard day’s work, eat a good meal at a good family table, say hello to neighbors, shoot pheasants, walk out through a pretty field of spuds, drive to town through the snow . . ”
killed over vienna, december
dunning-kruger before the term came into being !
i’d like to see some philological exegesis when a medieval chinese meaning is discussed technically !
an ikkyu poem
woodcutters and fishermen just know how to use things
what would they do with fancy chairs and meditation platforms ?
in straw sandals and with bamboo staff, i roam three thousand worlds, dwelling by the water
feasting on the wind, year after year
my reworking
rustic folk have functional furniture !
what use do they have for the effete ?
just getting by
i travel by walking
bill porter
translates the phrase “ gateless gate ” as meaning a person has seen through the world, so there is no gate any more !
i like this better than the
name - antonym pair
ed. i
posted the above as an
OP on r|zen and it attracted suprisingly virulent responses indicating various idiots were disconcerted by the notion the translations are not the bedrock of meaning they suppose them to be !
also i think they found bill porter’s wide poetic and literary interests upsetting !
what i like about this translation is it obviates the notion of “ gate ”
, like shift the perspective and its a false problem that disappears !
what’s enlightenment ?
its understanding how the world really is
“ what’s enlightenment ? ”
its understanding how the world really is
popular music is a
feel-good anesthetic !
brittany is stuck at a “ pop culture ” intellectual level !
popular music is a
feel-good anesthetic !
listening to music is consuming
some-one else’s thought, its not your own
no wonder today’s generations are awash in stupidity !
jason, you are projecting, as usual . . .
you don’t understand the gap between an idea and competence
you are projecting, as usual . . .
you don’t understand the gap between an idea and competence
there’s only one per generation at the most who understands what zen is about, maybe a handful since huineng
the fermi paradox is not a paradox
there’s actually a very low probability for communicating civilizations, but a high probability for life
the claimed observed dyson spheres have all been disproved, or rather proved to be natural phenomena !
the universe is “ vast ” but the problem is that even that is not enough to render the chain of events for a long lived communicating civilisation possible !
the fermi paradox is not a paradox
there’s actually a very low probability for communicating civilizations, but a high probability for life
lucian of samosata recounts the life of
ewk, you don’t seem to grasp that the word ‘ zen ’ is in the public domain, in this case soldiers
on psychedelics perceive the oneness of things and so are “ zen ” and don’t fight . .
its just one use amongst many, you seem under the illusion you can defeat public domain use and keep the word to your conscription !
WW2 was fought on amphetamines, the germans in the siege of stalingrad were so drugged they died from too little fat on their bodies
the speedy invasion through the ardennes was only possible with amphetamine use
similarly the defenders of the battle of britain
interestingly the island of lesbos really was famous for lesbians from sappho to
lucian !
i was reading some bodhidharma history and its very interesting how these hermits lived close to patronage !
lol like a kilometer from the emperor’s palace !
jason writes that brittany seems to have herpes outbreaks pretty often
ed. the supplements she uses are all immune stimulants !
yeah, bad luck for her and it can fuck the brain to !
she’s a real mixture of races and this can give a very uneven immune system which in her case doesn’t tamp herpes simplex very well !
hybrid breeding can translate to a greater cancer risk as well !
the plus side is there is greater vigour and possibly intelligence !
the huge amount of energy the body uses when its cold compared to warm is taken from the energy it puts to fighting viruses etc !
not to mention the advantages of heat for iron suppression and enhanced circulation
musicians seem to be much more susceptible to addiction, behavior and judgment problems than more “ normal people ”
it turns out their brains are developmentally different and even amongst their own
specialties !
yamamoto tsunetomo never fought in battle in his life !
just all poncy fake, this crap about samurais, most were were murderous bandits as far as i can see !
japan paid dearly for this bullshit cult in
WW2 fighting a real enemy and not books !
study japanese history, the real samurai culture is medieval and long gone by the time of tsunetomo
rape, pillage, torture and plunder is the historical reality !
well the plus side of your sort of samurai which is waving a sword around in a dojo is that gritty stuff is avoided !
I know my brother also does some form of meditation but when I try I just make like a story in my head and its not like a blank thought, its elaborate and I think I’m doing something wrong
the story is the running of your brain in “ default mode ” and when you look at the stories you realise they are your basic patterns of motivation !
for instance with me, i am “ fixing ” situations so they are my idea of better which i am told is a pretty basic male pattern !
so it will make you more aware of yourself
that’s one side, the other side is the “ mystical contemplative aspect ” and for that you have to do
quality reading
solitary walks in beautiful surroundings is the best and most rewarding “ contemplation ”
i see people recommending r|meditation, but in my experience they are all schizophrenics or ex alkies or addicts on that subreddit
the addicts on r|zen don’t think they have a problem !
i am pretty
ADHD myself, i don’t medicate, what helps is doing a lot of writing and as i say read quality so the brain turns over useful stuff, not populist crap !
the real point of zen which is what i have written above is to solve the mystery of life, but when you do that you will find the world basically lies about what it is and what is involved !
this is what my writing is about, life is like some manic barely caged tiger always about to eat you, except we usually suffer the indiginity of being slowly nibbled to death by aging
several people couldn’t understand why i asked this question on the r|zen
“ How do you feel drug use impacts zen ? ”
its because a lot of drug use is taken to be “ zen ” particularly psychedelics
the question is actually neutral but in my view drugs have two effects that are antithetical to zen
1. they create a narcissistic solipsism
2. they are completely deficient in and trash the cognitive basis of visionary experiences
meditation equals solitary contemplation, there’s nothing really more to say about it except its a voyage of discovery !
missionizing fixed viewpoints is its antithesis, why people do this, i do not know !
i asked someone if i was the only one who questioned general knowledge and wisdom. that so many value them. i guess you too ?
people are very ignorant i find and become anxious if the blinders are removed
what made you first question knowledge and wisdom ?
everything has always been a question, the problem is putting enough time in to examine things sufficiently to move beyond the herd’s opinion
i had the buffet dinner at the
RSA, not many people there and a blind girl with her boyfriend came in and sat at the table next to me
for some reason i was really emotionally tuned to her, her difficulty with life and just doing anything
i started crying
later i drove along the coast and climbed up a steep hill and just looked out at the sea for while until it got too dark to stay and climb down safely !
my writing is a puzzle, it appears simpler than it is and has to be unwrapped and explored
i was talking to the lady in the health shop and i was looking for taurine which helps with migraine, i asked her if there was anything in the air as i had a tickle in the back of my throat since coming to town and she dead seriously told me it was chem trails so i mentioned my neighbour who is staying up in tweed heads at the moment so close to the airport flight path she can smell the kerosone !
do you think what you eat has an effect on your brain and the way you behave ?
do you think what you eat has an effect on your brain health and the way you behave ?
a neighbour of some years back who was a moderate to heavy drinker now has
age-related macular degeneration
he also had quite high radon exposure as a cave tour guide
we all get a disease as we get older
we all get a disease as we get older, its called aging
wisdom is bullshit too !
wisdom is bullshit
marzia is female pink and brittany is female blue, i think pink is safer
well its in the news that the new zealand
PM jacinda arden is pregnant so i wrote her an email (i don’t know her)
title : jetlag causing developmental problems in unborn children
serious disruption of the circadian rhythm has negative flow on effects for the yet to be born child
also pregnancy wants to be reasonably stress free
mobile phone radiation also can have an effect on the rapidly dividing cells of the fetus, you will be too young to know the problems of magnetic fields from the old fashioned crt monitors affecting pregnant women
rather odd to write what i think is an important email and never know if it it reaches you !
brad warner could have been a “ fire monk ” it was one of his big mistakes not doing it !
if you are gay why not have sex with buddha ?
if you are gay why not have sex with buddha
“ I have sat with the Buddha himself on the Grand Lotus Blossom and have sipped tea with Bodhidharma. There is no beginning and there is no end ”
i danced with hitler and fucked marilyn monroe !
so ?
so the truth got flushed out from the posturing ?
you’re a rather pathetic poseur ?
so the truth got flushed out from the posturing ?
when people deflect they give themselves away, there’s a spiked pivot, they will not touch
when people deflect they give themselves away, there’s a spiked pivot they will not touch
sōtō zen is defeated
but from the dismal swamp arises
ōbaku zen
its founded by chinese priests and must be fairly authentically chinese, yet doesn’t look that different from soto or rinzai, they are of the same religion, but don’t seem to vary as much as christian sects ?
what is the r|zen obsession with invalidating real life zen?, something to do with their armchair rests being ruffled by a wider world than r|zen ?
watch out! its cannae all over again, the massed r|zen center is pushing in, but the sōtō infantry are falling back and the ōbaku cavalry is on the wings wreaking devastation !
so much of later japanese,
chinese and russian history has its origins in the
boxer rebellion !
outside the circle controls the circle
inside the circle is contained by the circle
outside the circle contains the circle
inside the circle is contained by the circle
outside the circle controls the circle
outside the circle contains the circle
inside the circle is contained by the circle
being a princess is universal, regardless of race !
photograph and composition by
athi-patra ruga
even the cats blackmail me, they won’t let me out the back door until they are fed !
even the cats blackmail me, they won’t let me out the back door until they are fed
you can argue with a fool but it should profit you
xyz is a philanthropist
i’m an
anti-philanthropist !
xyz is a philanthropist
i’m an
you’re inside a circle pretending you’re outside !
you’re a f. a .k. e.
you’re (ed. wanderingronin
77) delusional as well !
. .
you’re inside a circle pretending you’re outside !
you’re inside a circle pretending you’re outside
james tells jason that brittany will either consciously or unconsciously distance herself from her streaming boyfriends so that they will want her more
he also said i’m too nice and good looking to spend time on that
my reply
james is man of insight, basically brittany is a surrogate girlfriend to her viewers so she’s going to create a false impression of exclusive attention and availability to the viewer
i personally don’t find her that interesting, intelligent but limited in her understanding in some respects
drsoinso is
offended and writes
Your poetry is objectively bad. You should spend your time learning a useful craft that you can have success performing
r e p l y
so write a poem to prove you have craft !
you can’t can you, just an ignorant bystander whose nose is continually being put out of joint by a faulty understanding of the world !
who wants to perform and why ?
entertaining the gaping idiots ?
she gave some stupid avoidant reply and i replied
why not listen to what i asked about your craft ?
you have none, and a totally bankrupt understanding
i assure you, my words are valuable to me !
not to have children is a very different perspective
i never set out to, but since i don’t, i have that perspective
there is an immaturity that results from it, but there is a freedom to see things objectively, especially in regards to oneself !
religion, converse of the brain dead
religion converse of the brain dead
religion converse of the brain dead
interestingly, the dose of lithium chloride
fed to honey bees to kill varroa mites is roughly equivalent to prescribed pyschiatric doses when you multiply by the body weight difference which is about
5000 times !
politics playing in the context of history is a farce
i don’t know why
buji-ists like ewk push huang po as he is clearly buddhist, though i notice that ewk hasn’t being pushing him recently ?
maybe something has filtered through that thick skull ?
some helpful links on understanding what buddhism is, you can really see that zen is a correction of the problems with buddhism, yet is not a complete rejection of it !
eisel mazard
the jhanas
what do the japanese
think of religions ?
there’s four types of zen
buddhist zen; huang po for instance and actually buji zennists are caught in a contradiction with their promotion of him
literary zen of which daihui is a good example
life failure zen, the only true version of which joshu is the best example
buji suburban materialist zen which is actually a theory of physics and matter melded with suburban tripe
people are so full of the value of their own time and so inconsiderate of the value of others
people are so full of the value of their own time and so inconsiderate of the value of others
i feel far happier feeling permanently disaffected
enlightenment is implicit suicide
volunteer work is an implicit form of suicide
volunteer work is suicidal
volunteer work is suicide
i am insane, the writing comes first and there’s no prospect of their being any money in it
its an implicit form of suicide
i am insane, the writing comes first and there’s no prospect of their being any money in it
i am insane, the writing comes first
people in religion are operating under a model of historical certainty that is not there !
they are completely oblivious
people in religion are operating under a model of historical certainty that is not there !
it takes me ten or twenty years to figure anything out
that’s way too long to be functional in any successful way
another view of celibacy is withholding one’s genes from reality
when you look at the past, it might just as well be the future
anybody can criticise anything
i think
that if they are going to
something as difficult
they should do
a poem
to show
craft !
“ I also think that if you’re honest with yourself ”
you’re a stupid arsehole who thinks quoting idiot text is some sort of substitute for working things out for yourself !
work on it !
real bodhidharma ?
“ near nanjing he took up residence at lower samadhi forest temple on mt. zhong, a mountain at the northeast outskirts of the city, because he delighted in the forests and lakes there ”
an aharon appelfeld quote
“ life is permanent war ”
“ life is perpetual war ”
“ life is perpetual warfare ”
“ life is permanent warfare ”
when the villagers had gone, bodhidharma collected up the food offerings, had a good nosh then hung out the sign “ doing some serious meditation, go away ” got out his pornography and settled back for some “ viewing ”
later he looked at the mail, oh an invitation to a feast at heyin,
good-oh he thought and started to think about what to take with him on the trip ?
his best suit
what hat would be a hit with the chicks ?
this was a serious business !
i think the problem with alcoholism these days is the ready supply of cheap quality booze, charles bukowski when young sort of kept himself on the wagon by being very poor and not able to afford much
compared to almost any other drug its almost free and the quantities its possible to imbibe are huge !
recent research shows that almost any quantity of alcohol is carcinogenic !
blood flow to the hippocampus
brittany’s problem is the same as yours (ed. jason) and millions of others, using pot when the underlying sleep and other health problems need to be addressed
its “ waiting at the end of time ” in a maladaptive way . .
she has some unsolvable problems as you do, unsolvable problems squared are a disaster from my personal experience !
a dead heron bloated
a sewer
i’m not posting
here , but having some experience in this area i’m making a comment !
its a genuine experience and one of the proofs is most people will diss it !
its not good news, if you strip out the zen bullshit you are heaping on it and read it and and have a think about about it over a while you will get a different perspective !
what people miss about zen is its really about “ life failure ” and often early death or disability from health problems
your poem is ok, but you really need to read what you wrote !
mercenaries are dangerous men, they kill for pay
if you ever met one, beware !
women understand men better than they understand themselves
of course, not understanding themselves puts them at a disadvantage !
brittany replies to jason
how do i remind you of marzia ? from what i’ve seen from pewdiepie’s videos she has like no personality
my reply
i think they are both pretty rational, less hormonally driven than most women
you can’t understand zen or mysticism without putting a lot of solitary contemplative time in, people seem to think they have entry through specific semantics !
brittany has been learning japanese since she was fourteen
learning an unnecessary extra or second language fucks people up !
toanythingtaboo asks
I’ve wondered if Zen is really
non-dual , like with Wumen Huaikai saying internal and external spontaneously united, or Hunagbo and the One Mind, or if its not really alluding to either duality or
r e p l y
this sort of zen is just a projection onto a meaningless rubbish tip of words
when you post on r|zen you are posting amongst the seagulls !
jason writes
brittany said it herself “ yes women date men for their money ”
r e p l y
lol, brittany is stream dating a lot of very poor young men !
meghan markle
jason writes that he doesn’t blame brittany for wanting someone with money
i’m not sure if it was “ barfly ” where charles bukowski’s girlfriend goes with a guy with money and charles doesn’t become angry with her, there’s also the story of charles going onto a yacht with his girlfriend and two other women while they entertain the yacht owner
r e p l y
children murder their mothers and women murder their men
children murder their mothers and women murder their men
. . . he’s twenty seven trying to be an actor in nyc
the internet has turned acting into a volunteer profession, the rash of denunciations of sexual coercion by film directors at the moment
(2017/18) is really about there not being enough money or work to keep the lid on !
acting has gone the way of book writing and publishing and photography, all entirely “ volunteer ” activities now !
alexander lobanov and ioseb jughashvili were
both insane
the link intends the middle picture, pink roses and stalin holding a female or androgynous sailor
a thoughtful
the theoretical and historical
origins of
“ ibn taymiyyah, a noted theologian of his times, developed his blatantly racist concept of takfir : that is to say inferior muslims against whom jihad was permissible, precisely in response to mongol muslims ”
its hard to understand the extreme of stupidity where people sit around singing the praises of voynich, but that’s what religion is
its hard to understand the extreme of stupidity where people sit around singing the praises of voynich, but that’s what religion is
its hard to understand the extreme of stupidity where people sit around singing the praises of voynich, but that’s what zen is
its hard to understand the extreme of stupidity where people sit around singing the praises of voynich, but that’s what zen is
confusion about the term “ entropy ” comes from the inversion of value, as we value order over disorder then higher states of entropy might be assumed to be more ordered, but in fact its the other way around !
you have the right to exist and be obstructive on the highway of heaven
you have a right to exist and be obstructive on the highway of heaven
you have the right to exist and be obstructive in the highway of heaven
you have a right to exist and be obstructive in the highway of heaven
new york is famous for “ passive aggressive ”
, but its not something that works well imo
its an interesting ethical question, the complete life and death control we have over our pets
when emily dickinson died she can have had no expectation of her poetry surviving let alone her becoming the cult figure she is today !
when emily dickinson died she can have had no expectation of her poetry surviving her death let alone her becoming the cult figure she is today !
i can’t say i ever found benny hill that funny, but
his life was really autistic !
overfocused and hugely successful as a performer and writer the other areas suffered !
zen is one of several mystical traditions, if you are going to get overfocused on zen, you have a problem !
zen is one of several mystical traditions, if you are going to get overfocused on zen then you have a problem !
“ i’m not a beta orbiter am i ? i don’t believe so ”
what’s wrong with being a beta orbiter ?
safer for sure !
put name here and you is “ too much autism under one roof ”
my advice is to take the balmy beach and ‘ pass ’ on the hurricane
put name here and you is “ too much autism under one roof ”
my advice is to take the balmy beach and pass on the hurricane
jason writes
brittany called me an “ absolute moron ” after the first court case
r e p l y
she was triggered by your saying “ charles bukowski ” which was interesting, she only knows him by reputation as in fact he’s not misogynist at all, quite the opposite
i think, while very intelligent, she’s like oprah
, “ a woman of the people ” which carries an implied moronacy, she gets hints of a more interesting intellectual world but won’t go there !
she also seemed to react to your poem
i saw this with toni packer, she is being dragged down by her audience, the only way out is to keep a reading interest up with the greats, however she doesn’t want to do this, but i suspect is feeling there is some sort of problem !
lol, her and
elohim are peas in a pod, except elohim has talent and some money !
maybe she could give interviews like
your one with lisa cairns, it pays well and there are millions of young men out there who need to develop more sophisticated social skills (putting it mildly!) and be able to learn to converse with and understand the female mind !
“ Hey ! I find you interesting. This is random, but I remember reading your posts and coming across what you said about various Zen masters and also Wittgenstein. What’s your take ? ”
lol, random ?
wittgenstein was famous too young and it ruined his philosophy !
not to mention his family problems with adolf hitler !
i really am getting into the lack of synchronicity between translations and the originals, but with a few exceptions like joshu, most of so called zen masters of old were not fully enlightened and certainly today most are empty vacuoles spouting bullshit they have learnt !
“ I was gonna say, I am very curious about the whole lineage.
Some may not actually be Zen masters ”
my reply
the basic problem with lineage is genuine zen masters/patriarchs only come along once every couple of generations or so, so usually there is no physical continuity
huineng had no enlightened successors, so there’s just me as the
7th patriarch !
“ So which of those were zen masters, and which were not ?
i think in terms of r|zen, their scriptural bases appear to be daihui and huangpo, neither of whom were fully enlightened !
infinity occurs utterly without regard to cause and effect, you can’t see it or touch it, but its there
translations are largely constructions in the mind of the translator that bear little resemblance to the original
translations are largely constructions in the mind of the translator that bear little resemblance to the original
picking raspberries
the cat harassing me
i show it the “ no cats ” sign
it can’t read
around the corner a shadow moves
low sun
yes its the cat !
around the corner a shadow moves
its the cat !
the core of fermat’s last theorem is that if you have a fraction, you can multiply it by another fraction to get an integer which is a requirement of ellipses having their origin in motion in discrete revolutions around the circumference of a circle !
i was thinking i am “ incel ” but in fact i am “ volcel ”
women burn men so fiercely they can only look at the ashes
bailiff : who is the case being brought against
me : life
bailiff : what is the case the plaintiff is bringing
me : that life isn’t fair
judge (quickly) : i have no juristriction, case dismissed and bangs the gavel down !
jason seems reluctant to put his blog up for
brittany’s “ judgment ”
what i should consider though is her audience ?
they might get bored looking at
my blog
r e p l y
i don’t find it boring
you may find they react against it
they are not bored, its just what you say upsets them
i’m looking at a case, i don’t think your blog is what they are looking for, can’t make any suggestions except the one on at the moment is stupid (ed. about her defaming basement dwelling mgtows and incels)
how about ‘ public deception with intent, brittany is really a man and the baliff is a woman ’
you need a new topic, the current case already covers gender blurring
well jason and brittany did the case (case of fraud for brittany venti claiming to be queen) he brought against her, she gave him the death penalty when he mentioned charles bukowski : o) and told him “ you have not been considerate of my time ”
my comment
she did make some valid points about you that you have not picked up in the time i have known you
you were imposing your own content and the requirement there was for quicker replies and thinking
well worthwhile, you have to start somewhere, maybe the poem rattled her a bit, is her mother dead ?
ed. both her parents are dead
jason’s poem
laying on my hammock
mother sick downstairs
radiator hissing
why worry about my original face
when i have this one right here ?
my comments
she’d been having a lot of cases against her, you just made another case when you needed a fresh topic
its entertainment so it wants to be entertaining, i think you were “ too heavy ”
she’s sharp witted and its like a fencing match !
the moment you mentioned charles bukowski she got rid of you, i think because that was out of her league
basically she’s a shallow thinker, so’s oprah
jason says
its difficult to fence with her when her mods are in the room
my reply
well its like the film “ the wall ” there’s a barrier between her and you and she wants it that way
jason replies
yeah i can’t think of anything entertaining
my reply
well its fencing, you parry her thrusts and deliver a few of your own, that’s all
in fact i think the poem rattled her, you did get a thrust home
she lives on pizza and chinese takeaways, what can you say ?
you are being too content oriented, its “ play ” just go with what comes up, it should be fun for both of you, like a good game of tennis
now i think about it a guy in a wheelchair who had diffculty speaking clearly went on to complain about his glasses being broken and he couldn’t afford to buy new ones, brittany and her boyfriend brushed it off (judge and baliff)
jason went on again for a new case and thought that it went ok but he was not an
on-demand entertaining person
my comment
you are too bogged down in right and wrong and literalism
she’s actually very good for you
endless the gaslighting narcissists
the embodiment of “ bad faith ”
endless the gaslighting narcissists
a good
explanation of what is behind fermat’s last theorem
everything is secondary to me, myself
everything is secondary to me, myself
everything is secondary to me, myself
andrew wiles, solver of fermat’s last theorem
able prize
moment of insight
what is being a buddha ?
yet another bad soap opera ?
what is being a buddha ? yet another bad soap opera ?
shrinks subcutaneous fat cells !
some things remain really constant, but if you work at it, other things will really move, this is the nature of reality !
some things remain very constant, but if you work at it, other things will really move, this is the nature of reality !
brittany, a succubus with blue contact lenses
brittany, a succubus with blue contact lenses
contemporary politics only appears significant because people have no notion of history
brittany writes
i just give up on the average woman
they get too emotional and confuse it with logic too
when it comes to things like leadership you need some empathy sure but you need logic
we’re built different chemically
its just how it is
maryam mirzakhani, super competent
on topology , she knows her subject intimately and can convey it well, yet she is dead, it just doesn’t make sense
something and now gone, what for and was life worth living ?
why ?
if you give advice, look at the advice you give because most likely you need to take it yourself !
what i don’t understand is the theoretical or abstract richness
of these things , how did they come into existance ?
i think richard carrier has it wrong about people not living past forty
in medieval and earlier times, for one thing our biological development which has aspects that are very late maturing, up to the early thirties even, wouldn’t make sense !
“ for people living traditional lives, without modern medicine or markets, the most common age of death is about seventy ”
i think once you get past the high mortality years the picture changes !
“ don’t judge me ” is so grooming for alcohol and drug problems
“ what is god ? ”
three words
in the clouds by robyn rich
jason writes
pot causing brain damage doesn’t sit too well with brittany !
my reply
in fact between her pot use and health/diet problems she is always being cut back and her streaming is failing because she can’t get to the next level !
jason replies
she should wish to hear that advice
my reply
you might be surprised that she is already aware of the situation
she could be like you, low brain derived neurotrophic factor (a measure of resilience to toxic stress in the brain) and ice poseidon is high
BDNF though he is being cut back as well !
the chaos and stupidity of whole streaming scene has its roots in marijuana use
jason replies
that theory about roots in marijuana makes sense to me
the bed has to get real hot to kill bed bugs, i’d just get one or several cheap electric blankets with no automatic control and with a preheat switch option and don’t tie to the bed but move or parallel them through the different layers to get between each layer up to
personally i don’t sleep with the electric blanket on the bed, but put it between the midway blanket level to dry and heat the bed then remove to to go to sleep
you have to cut the ties off and don’t set the bed on fire !
contact lenses make the biofilm in the eye much more like the skin and i think in addition to increased eye problems, this translates through to systemic microbiome problems as well !
so, i’m not really a fan
of this , except the frontipiece, the book mixed two very different iconographies, dali’s and dodgson’s and basically it doesn’t work !
mia farrow
, salvador dali , frank sinatra, other sinatras, ronan farrow, woody allen, harvey weinstein, an unholy autistic spectrum collection if there ever was one !
i am quite interested in the holocaust because it was such a catastrophic blast through lives and the insanity and damage to their own self interest of the perpetrators
holocaust survivor and author aharon appelfeld
interview obituary
We were with my grandmother at the farm. The Romanians and Germans came and they shot my mother and my grandmother. It was in the summer of
1941. I was nine and a half years old. She was
thirty-one. I am now
eighty-two. My mother
will always remain young and I am going to be very old. She was a beautiful woman
in another account he tells of leaving their home in czernowitz in the northern borderlands of romania to spend the summer holidays at his grandparents in the nearby carpathian mountains
sick in bed with the mumps, on hearing shots he jumped out the window and hid in the cornfield behind the house and had to listen to his mother screaming from the germans torturing her and both his mother and grandmother were murdered !
ed. chapter
general anesthetics are
problematic for the very young and old
yeah public personalities are “ fair game ”
women become very strange and vindictive at any hint they are damaged
zen masters don’t master zen
brain irritiablity cycling over a day and a
multidien period of twenty to thirty days may also hold for migraine !
i know that i inevitably get migraine at separated intervals of several weeks and just about always they start in the afternoon !
two interesting social and technological trends
the first being the very high quality of the machine translation
and secondly, that sitting
reduces the bodies perception of its own weight, which must be a contributing factor in why sitting is so unhealthy !
what i find with people on autistic spectrum from brittany to ewk to yourself (ed. jason) is they don’t do better than their health !
if you don’t address the diet etc then the problems will always undercut you
brittany must be a disaster area
eileen, what i figured was that the constant in your relationships was you !
the one that wasn’t a disaster for you, you couldn’t leave soon enough !
the monk asked
what happens when we don’t perceive ourselves ?
7th patriarch replied
who is not perceived ?
the monk was dumbfounded !
only their own children ever settles women
jason writes
james thinks its a red flag that
she was saying “ i’m not happy with your life choices ” to her boyfriend, that its a red flag and that she wants him to be how she wants
he was thinking that she might have just used me as a platform to express herself and that she will stay with him, then i told him how we had looked at each other on the train and he understood how powerful that can be
she was writing last night in her group how she doesn’t like short guys, or guys with brown eyes . . don’t know if she was taking the piss
my comment
she seems to get sick easily and in addition as tim said she is high maintenance
plus she has effectively asked you to keep your distance
i think you are too projecting without real life observation balance
she’s very damaged and a lot of work
she likes moths, autistic women seem to like moths
i mentioned how she had said she doesn’t like to be alone, thus her two boyfriends having lived with her
james said that’s not a red flag, but a blinding light
daley-ward gives a good and
off-putting insight into women
oddly, despite being racially very african, she comes across so english that she seems straight out of my new zealand culture
dave, you are man of superficiality
yes, i know, depth requires work and sacrifice
but haven’t you noticed, you do that anyway promoting the superficial !
dave, you are man of superficiality
yes, i know, depth requires work and sacrifice
dave, you are man of superficiality
one interesting and unintended side effect of the nuremberg race laws was the removal of jews from the wehrmacht resulted in a subtle lack of effective strategic thinking at all levels to the point where any infantryman was a better strategist than what actually happened !
to be fair to adolf, operation barbarossa could have possibly succeeded if they had marched rapidly and directly on just moscow while soviet tank production was still low !
even in the very early stages, german troop losses were too high to be sustained !
the writing was on the wall within days of the start of the invasion !
my reworking of case/chapter
seventy-seven of the book of serenity
a monk asked kyozan, what are you like with meaningless charades ?
kyozan smugly conceded he could hold his own !
the monk then circled him clockwise as asked what the meaning of that was ?
koyzan traced a cross on the ground !
the monk then circled him counterclockwise and asked what the meaning of that was !
koyzan traced each arm of the cross backwards so they all went to the center and then smoothed the cross out !
the monk drew a circle in the air and raised his hands palms up to give the appearance of a giant supporting the sun and the moon and asked “ what is the meaning of this ? ”
kyozan drew a circle around where the cross had been, and the monk mimicked the appearance of a fierce temple guardian
i think men are fairly easy going (if they didn’t get pinched too hard in a divorce settlement) about dealing with ex’s after a relationship break up, but the women may not be !
daydreaming disorder
a form of dissociative adaptation in fact !
you have the weight of history on the one hand
and the weight of poetry on the other
you have the weight of history on the one hand
and the weight of poetry on the
r|zen plays host to another
mind sense body
soul and god
r|zen plays host to another pretender
mind sense body
soul god
the glittering moonlight sparkling on the flowing stream
the glittering moonlight sparkling on a flowing stream
a measure of the intelligence of iosif was that he had nikolai varfolomeev arrested only after he had handed in his draft to the publisher of his famous ‘ the evolution of operational art ’
, foundational for russian strategy in world war
II !
he was arrested within days of handing it in and later died in prison in
1941 !
hmm, a stalin
the laws of this world are quite different from morality, the most basic one is the cost of not giving something adequate attention
even hubris doesn’t suffer too much, only its consequence as per above !
the laws of this world are quite different from morality, the most basic one is the cost of not giving something adequate attention
recent research has been especially damning on the
follow-on consequences of diabetes, here is yet
another one , reducing the heart muscle’s metabolic adaptability and causing heart cells to overuse fat as a metabolic fuel which leads to numerous small, misshapen mitochondria that don’t produce energy as efficiently as normal mitochondria
jason writes
i was on the train with her and everyone going to the second place (ed. from ice poseidons’s infamous
2018 new years eve party at the sheraton — the next day ice’s girlfriend caroline broke up with him) and i was going between the groups talking to everyone, then i went off to the side by myself just keeping my balance on the train and i was looking at brittany sitting down, i think i was even sort of smiling and then she looked at me and it was one of those slow down moments until i looked away
my reply
“ and then she looked at me ”
she’s made some calculations about you, time will show what they are !
jason replies
brittany is one of or the smartest person i’ve met in real life
the dysfunctional kind of intelligence
amy mctighe
with the kurds
a forty year old american
ESL teacher currently in china asks about doing a retreat when he gets back to the usa !
my reply
most zen centers are run by idiot lunatics
i know from experience
, have been to a lot !
r|zen is a psychward !
his reply
. . So, Zen = Crazy
, got it
my reply
no i said psychward !
rilke is not a psychward ! (ed. he has read rilke and mary oliver)
the whole problem with communal retreats is they usually come with some sort of “ imprinting ” which is really crazy and can never be undone
“ zen ” is like an obstruction of what poetry is really about
since you teach english in china, why not look at wang wei’s poetry ?
the most zen book you can read is
it might seem peripheral but its not and the family involved are qing dynasty aristocrats and the last really of a long qing involvement with zen before it died completely in china !
just to go or a walk by yourself is a good retreat
i think therefore i am
i think therefore i am thinking
lotta use rené
i think therefore i am
i think therefore i am thinking
lotta use rené
if you are giving advice, you are too involved for the distance you are from the problem
if you are giving advice, you are too involved
why do i write what i do ?
why do i write what i do ?
why do i write what i do ?
i am bleeding
infinity includes its exclusion
how ?
its exclusion is in denial about itself
infinity includes its exclusion
how ?
its exclusion is in denial about itself
infinity must also be what its not and the only way it can be that is if what its not is in denial of itself !
the flower duet
sung by soprano anna netrebko and
mezzo-soprano elina garanca
emily dickinson aged sixteen
morphs to late twenties or early thirties ?
no wonder charles bukowski died of luekemia !
acetaldehyde (produced when the body processes alcohol) can break and damage
DNA within blood stem cells, permanently altering the
DNA sequences within these cells
when healthy stem cells become faulty, they can give rise to cancerous cells
you can tell bon soeng /jeff kitzes is a fake, the comments were removed
here for your delectation are what they couldn’t cope with so i assume
i am buddha means “ i am a pot smoker ”
why crazies explain for ever what they don't understand, i don’t know ! ?
Theo M.
just more
purling in the stream . . . no ? ; ) ?
you’re another pot smoker using zen for window dressing ?
if jeff kitzes reads this (ed. the fake deleted it)
, please post your views on pot smoking and drug use, get real for once in your life ! ?
Theo M.
You seem extra awakened this evening (ed. it was midday here in the southern hemisphere) but are you trying to suggest all cannabis use is
non-medicinal, or that no one should recreationally imbibe any substance ? it seems too strict to limit all your ingestion to nutritional needs only . . . almost like you’re hoping for ever lasting life . . . what would you do with all that extra time ? is pleasing the tastebuds that much different than pleasing the senses ? What about a pleasant smell ? Is this different than a massage ? Worse ? Better ? ; ) Either way, I hope you’re enjoying the new year, and I hope you don’t take any of this too seriously, but know I meant it sincerely . . . and don’t forget your grain of salt, but it seems you’re still judging ?
my entire experience of people who smoke pot is their brains are fucked like yours weepy bullshit and as i said use zen for life wall paper ! ?
Theo M.
ever wonder if your experience is sheltered or based upon false assumptions ? your zen seems contrived . . . like you’re attempting to emulate a master from a koan you once heard or read more than being authentic . . . but that’s just my sheltered experience of you, so hopefully you grabbed a spare grain of salt : ) And what’s so bad in being a stupid pothead ? is intellectual or spiritual
one-upmanship a better path . . . a better drug perhaps ? nah, clearly you’re as sober as a bird. feathers ruffled and all ; ) perhaps intellectual pride is the curtain at the end of the yellow brick road ? nah, you’re too matter of fact for that.
anti-posturing is still posturing if you look close enough ?
typical potspiel, wank on !
you can’t write or think clearly and you think this is ok !?
Theo M.
lol . . . your awareness is dulled by your biases ?
ed. i have included theo m.’s comments as very illustrative of the tangled narcissism of drug users and why they think it so important to waste my time with their bullshit i don’t know !
any public domain religious subreddit eg christianity has an intrinsic divergence between its high public domain drop in rate and constant ongoing battles by regulars to conscript the public domain use of the word into the private domain
r|zen is a conflict between individuals trying to conscript what is a public domain use of the word “ zen ” into their private domains
its like the hundred years war or however long the word remains fashionable !
brittany is putting all her emotional energy into the therapy streams and its killing her
lacks boundaries
i should know
everyone declaims, its this, that or the next thing ̱ ̱ ̱ .
everyone declaims, its this, that or the next thing
everyone declaims its this that or the next thing
my life has burnt away in futility
why should i explain anything
why should i explain everything
what is the point of my explaining everything
what is the point of my explaining anything
what is the point of your explaining everything
what is the point of your explaining anything
we can know a bit about something, but to bring it to practical fruition is quite a different problem
everyone is the entire universe, what we call ‘ reality ’ is just an image that enables the persistence of you as an image
jason takes
the camera at ice’s party and gives brittany air time
jason writes
people like to put their fingers in their ears when they hear something they don’t like !
i told kbubblez last night that pot is a drug and it causes brain damage, she said to me “ you’re stupid if you believe that ! ”
potspiel , (ed. see replies) wank on !
you can’t write or think clearly and you think this is ok !
typical potspiel, wank on ! you can’t write or think clearly and you think this ok !
my entire experience of people who smoke pot is their brains are fucked like yours, they post weepy bullshit and as i said use zen for life wallpaper !
millenial idiot throws a poorly baited hook
ice poseidon in amsterdam
its interesting how some people respond better or make things much clearer in a very different culture
i think my writing is like live streaming in a way !
i wonder if being a vegetarian is as damaging as pot ?
i wonder if vegetarian is as damaging as pot ?
sometimes i wonder if vegetarian is as damaging as pot ?
jason was at ice poseidons new year’s party in new york (
$3000 to book a room at the hilton with a good view of the times square ball ) and had an interesting time
( ed.
twenty-three thousand viewers at peak and he got some high donations )
he writes : i showed james
the same picture and he said she (ed. brittany) looks high maintenance
my comment
james being gay will judge women far better than you or i
more by jason
all of the streamers there smoked pot daily
kbubblez paid off the security guard
$60 to not be kicked out of the hotel, she said when questioned if
$60 was a lot “ that’s only like an eigh . . (th of weed) ” she didn’t say the ending but you could tell
ice smoked pot at night to sleep, and more than that i think
brittany smokes the ‘ indica ’ strain to sleep
ed. she is
33% ‘ black ’
, age twenty, streamer for at least four years, diagnosed bipolar and on medication, “ happy pills ”
, she does “ therapy ” streams where she takes callers and they talk about their problems
she started to get tired as we were walking to the second place and showed frustration, her boyfriend kept telling how he “ told that security guard to bug off ! ” and she said “ yeah you’ve told that story like sixteen times ”
also it was only me, brittany, and her boyfriend in the room for about
twenty-five minutes and he was wanting to order pot with a delivery service and he didn’t have any money and wanted me to pay
he said he’d pay me back and. i asked brittany if he would and she said “ i'm sure he would . . ”
, but during and before this she was complaining to him how he has her pay and doesn’t pay her back
then he was getting upset because he wanted to know what she was thinking and if she wanted to go home, she was complaining that he wanted to order pot right then and there and he asked if she was upset with him or something like that and she said “ i just don’t like your lifestyle choices ”
my comment
yeah, write this up for
your blog and link stuff, they are public personalites, exposure goes with the territory
jason replies
i should write something up about the whole experience
yesterday i was driving along the beach and i thought about brittany for a moment and then looked to my right to the beach and saw the still clouds in the sky
my reply
when you write it up you will have the odd experience of the one sane thing being written about the event and hardly anyone ever reading it
you were driving along the beach with no real life contact with brittany and the clouds were still in the sky ! : o)
jason replies
it was interesting for someone to say i was unique to the room, especially with other unique personalities there
“ When guys
are this age and filled with testosterone, they’re emotionally reactive and need to understand consequences instead of the instant gratification of rage
I understand since I was once a quick to anger guy . . . now, I think about spending life in prison for reactions I could have controlled with an extra three seconds worth of calming down ”
why crazies explain for ever what they don‘t understand, i don‘t know !
when you see a quote posted, remember the person quoting is not the person who said the quote orginally, indeed they are usually scam artists relying on association to imply they really said what they quoted !
weirdly, the person quoting in the fact of their behavior are
often polar opposites to what they quote !
this guy
is difficult , he can’t distinguish fantasy from reality
, i was thinking the net is so selective for this sort of person !
i got a profound feeling of dissonance and exhaustion watching this, maybe because of my experience with reddit zen, a different context, but the same mentality
i would think it must affect brittany !
jason writes he was surprised with how much of a non existent barrier there is (ed. ice poseidon’s new year party 2018)
, i felt like when i got to the room and saw ice and his girlfriend it was like i already knew them in real life
i had to call people out often for being disrespectful to me or to others
i was surprised with myself that although the women there were gorgeous, i didn’t treat them like sex objects but normally
the really good looking ones had boyfriends though
like the videos are real and i hang out with him actually and seeing him in person was not very much different at all
women are there to propagate the female species, men are just an end to this, even sons for they have daughters !
after a while the search reveals
it all comes back to nothing
after a while the search for everything reveals
it all comes back to nothing
everything comes back to nothing
it all comes back to nothing
a half truth is a complete lie
when you look at
these photos , you believe in evolution !
chapter three of ‘ the tragic sense of life: ernst haeckel and the struggle over evolutionary thought ’ by robert j. richards
is a lyric account of ernst haeckel and hermann allmers ‘ holiday ’ in italy in
1859, sorta an idyll rarely encountered !
its not advice, its just discussion, not even discussion
i can be quite completely
wrong !
in the end, hindsight is perfect because what was indeterminate has happened
my rephrase of benajmin franklin’s
famous quote
half the truth is always a big lie
the world is so stupid it makes me weep
let’s not talk about our own stupidity
the world is so stupid it makes me weep
let’s not talk about my own stupidity
the only explanation for charles bukowski can be exceptionally high neurotrophic growth factors
otherwise he would have been
just some other a depressed wreck
why should a few more wrong turns bother me
i have
i have
i had a gift
i ignored its validity
and spent my time
arguing with idiots
i had a gift
i ignored its validity
and spent my time
arguing with idiots
i thought i understood something, now i don’t understand anything
, even the ‘ what ’ of what is there to understand
i thought i understood something, now i think i don’t understand anything
, even the ‘ what ’ of what is there to understand
transgender operations and hormonal treatment open a pandoras box of health problems, its sorta interesting that
ben barres , neuroscientist he is didn’t know about testosterone promoting growth in pancreatic cancer
its very hard to deal with people whose opinions are quite different
people don’t change so its better to avoid those areas
amyloid beta levels in
sleep-deprived people were
25 to
30 per cent higher than in those who had slept the night through
sodium oxybate increases
slow-wave sleep — the deep, dreamless phase of sleep that people need to wake up feeling refreshed
transmission from the sixth patriarch trumps public domain use of the word ‘ zen ’
transmission by the sixth patriarch trumps public domain use of the word ‘ zen ’
transmission from the sixth patriarch trumps public domain use
transmission by the sixth patriarch trumps public domain use
pot smoking can throw you into a charles bukowski sort of life without the talent
a lack of reality orientation is common or even de rigueur amongst pot smokers
a lack of reality orientation is common amongst pot smokers
bentinho massaro has taken more than a few
leaves out of da free john’s book !
i think bentinho is quite a bit crazier though !
da free john was an intelligent and untalented sleeze on the make !
bentinho is outright schizophrenic amongst other things !
horses for courses !
temicco banned me from r|zens
i’m not criticising the banning since i do it on a much larger scale in
my subtreddit , its simply that he is creating his own malformed version of zen and censoring to keep it that way
i ban to stop my time being wasted by
wrong-minded idiots
anyway, what happened, my replies in response to this
i reply : what a load of unadulterated crap !
cliché pie for the stupids, who believes in this shit ?
thecowisflying replies :
my first reply which temicco (a moderator of r|zens) then
PM’ed me about
the monk was speechless eh ?
no words of his own so he has to quote crap !
: o(
how fake can you get ?
temicco’s reply : Hey, please stop randomly calling things/people “ crap ” and “ stupid ” and so forth on r|zens
This is your one warning — I want to have good discussions, not a subreddit full of lazy criticism
my reply : its not random at all, buddha never existed historically, so the first line is a lie and what follows is crap and a particularly bad translation even allowing for an allegorical use of “ buddha ”
real “ monks ” can reply for themselves why are you protecting a fake ?
because you are a fake yourself ?
why not let him reply, easy enough to discuss “ allegorical ” versus “ historically real ”
let him be a man and not a coward !
my second reply to “
OK ”
you seem to be a bunny ! try not being a bunny and address what i say which is based on the allegorical use of “ buddha ” versus the fact buddha is made up, not historically real !
“ the monk had no reply ” is going to be your theme song ?
the sutras are a very long historical wiki, they have no authenticity outside what they say which is usually garbled nonsense
buddhism is a load of unadulterated crap !
cliché pie for the stupids, who believes in this shit ?
when it comes to religion
you can’t argue people out of fake bullshit
when it comes to religion, you can’t argue people out of fake bullshit
you can’t argue people out of fake bullshit
why are things so unstable
why are things so unstable
even my brain is unstable
why are things so unstable
why are things so unstable
“ philosophical errors ”
philosophy is an error
judaism doesn’t have
a coherent view of the afterlife, i think basically they tend towards the greek view, something happens, but not much
christianity particularly
, but also islam get around the problem of the world not matching up to any particular moral code by having the reward of heaven and punishment of hell, handy for justifying martyrdom
so judaism is particularly conflicted by adverse events where clearly god is set out
to punish his people, the exile to babylon which you can possibly explain and the holocaust which defies explanation except the notion of a chosen people is a load of nonsense
judaism limps on but the holocaust has destroyed any semblance of rationality !
i watched an episode of “ the wire ”
, well written, tense but complete bullshit
a raid by omar’s gang with no masks, what were they thinking !
the behavior is just a middle class scriptwriters projection
as if the police get at all involved in that shit
the children of billionaires barry and honey sherman who were clearly murdered had to get pressure put on the police to treat it as homicide rather than
murder-suicide !
unreal !
“ urine samples that were less acidic, closer to the neutral p
H of pure water, showed higher activity of the protein
siderocalin and were better at restricting bacterial growth than the more acidic samples ”
a low
branched-chain amino acid diet
promotes leanness and improved control of blood sugar
i dug about in my sack and found a quote for shan tien, or was it buddha or even the
7th patriarch ?
hubricity blinds us
how can we escape ?
hubricity blinds us
how can we escape ?
hubricity blinds us, how can we escape ?
Tien Shan
a mountain range in central Asia, in Kirghizia and China
Shan Tien is of course a discordian pretend zen master !
translations don’t equal what is said versus translations can’t equal what is said
translations don’t equal what is said versus translations can’t equal what is said
ice poseidon has too much energy
, burns too fast !
he wants to be drinking
lithium water !
hongzhi’s poetry is the ugly sickness of total psychosis !
“ people who know its truth nod their heads with comprehension ”
in “ whatever psychward ” silent illumination is in yeah !
you pack something up and then you have to unpack it
but if you don’t go through that process you don’t learn anything
‘ the nazi officer’s wife ’
toni packer had a jewish mother and it took the intervention of a friend of her father’s with the gestapo to keep her mother safe
i don’t think anyone in her american life really understood the insecurity she went through and how it marked her !
her mother and herself and siblings and cousin/brother were on a death list found after the war, again something the significance of which was not realised by those about her in later years, had the germans won no doubt “ the cleansing ” would have been intensified and the list acted on !
its such an important thing in life, to temper our impulses with rationality
its such an important thing in life, to temper our impulses with rationality
the quiet satisfaction of reading r|zen but not participating and seeing all the rabble fighting and wondering how i was ever involved in all that !
i think prince harry would have married
ellie goulding earlier, except for her not handling anxiety and stress well, he shows some savvy in life about preferring comfort to too rough an emotional ride !
he must have picked up something over the years !
my thoughts on the first anniversary of carrie fisher’s death
the truth about carrie fisher is way weirder than any star wars movie/plot, she was a friedrich nietzsche quality genius, with some appropritate mentoring when young she could have done better, but the way to be with that sort of intelligence is to be screwed up by the world and i think harrison ford screwed her over royally with his (and her) pot use
since infinity is all then it must include what it is not and the only way it can do that is if what it is not denies what it is
infinity itself does not exclude
giant otters killing
a rather obtuse caiman
basically there’s some puzzle you have to work out and you have to traverse existance and
basically there’s some puzzle you have to work out and you have to traverse
non-existance and existance
you can’t retrospectively comment on a life
the finger pointing at the moon is not the moon
the finger pointing at sewage saying it is the moon is sewage
franz kafka’s sisters were gassed
joseph mangele died while swimming
tell me there’s a benign god ?
sepehr has at last
opened a blog . .
Why are crows symbols of the Gothic ?
When man’s society
feels less sublime
than the crow’s flock
and freedom ?
Why was I born as a
mid-class man ?
Stuck with idiots to hustle n’ bustle . . .
on the edge of poverty,
and not as a corvid
who merely needs his niche ?
When the crow shits on man’s metal hunk,
then it’s beautiful.
from this lake, famous for its distant clouds
you have returned
suspended mountains
in the clouds
the above is my reworking of a poem by jioran (730-799) from ‘ clouds thick, whereabouts unknown : poems by zen monks of china ’ by charles egan
ewk the jackhammer
jackhammers sand
ewk the jack hammer
jack hammers sand
why are druggies so dreary and boring
there’s something intrinsic in its false solipsism that makes it so, not simply the brain damage !
what is love ?
what is love that it survives a wedding ?
its interesting to compare charles bukowski and
edith coliver , both born in germany, she two years later, but both emigrating with their families to the
USA though at different ages, one a successful productive person, the other a lifelong wreck, yet he is incomparably the greater !
“ how long can one live on one slice of bread and a little bit of water ?
people started to die ”
lithuanian jewish woman nechama shneorson tells
her story
paula lebovics, the best holocaust survivor
interview , she and her life say more than the others !
man, sometimes you lift a rock to see
what’s there and what you see surprises you !
sandra hoyn
photographs of the kandapara brothel
the red sea
crossing is in fact a mangling of an egyptian “
victory ” in syria i.e.
, a stalemate where the hittites were forced to swim across a river to escape
dr. josef mengele ate non kosher animals and lived a happy life in south america !
you claim to be observant (ed. jewish) of what ?
the insanity of life from the point of view of a religious psychward ?
“ All words are nonsense ”
especially the ones you write !
ed. yes dillon123 again who says he is three months pot free at this point !
look you can’t take another persons opinion as valid can you but rabbit meaninglessly on
“ zen ” is in the public domain, it means what is in the public domain, your version is idiosyncratic to the point of insanity !
you can’t tell how life turns out, but you can say somethings !
if you don’t get your diet
, supplements and exercise to the point you won’t be susceptible to pot addiction then you will always be undercut no matter what you do careerwise !
careers require learned skills and pot fucks the memory, what can i say ?
franz kafka’s
sisters were gassed, i can’t see any metaphysical logic in that !
kafka’s sisters were gassed, i can’t see any metaphysical logic in that !
“ exposure of adult male cockroaches to electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones has resulted in sharp changes in the
enzyme systems of fat body and haematological profile ”
“ microbiome microbes of the lachnospiraceae and ruminococcaceae families generate metabolites that can travel through the blood stream and reach the brain
here there is a triggering of
depressive-like symptoms
main metabolite for this effect appears to be cresol ”
nonsense attracts nonsense don’t you find ?
its all
mayberry land i am afraid, are they supposed to thank god for leaving their lineage intact during the holocaust ?
and actually these prayers, tell god rather than thank him !
isn’t it all some rather crazy fiction ?
the problem with “ people on earth ” and indeed all science fiction is we are the only technologically advanced planet in the universe !
we age and decay, what gives ?
hill flowers bloom and wreath like magical brocade, the winding stream reflects blue
one - you
two - two
i want to pee
four - open the door
thrown on a bee hive
six pick up sticks, pick up picks
seven - back out of heaven
eight pile up silver on a plate
nine -
hen in a pen
how many holocaust
deniers fit on the head of a pin ?
a philo quote
for as i imagine what a wall is to a city
, that
caution is to an individual
edward hartry, an émigré polish jew and his
interesting life
so the stages of removal from r|zen are not posting
OP’s, not commenting then not reading
it really has the etiology of an addiction !
clara schumann could have been one of the really great
composers , but never got the time to develop since she was a wife, mother and the principle breadwinner
her husband felt the conflict, a really sane man, its hard to see how he ended up in a asylum !
his words
clara has composed a series of small pieces, which show a musical and tender ingenuity such as she has never attained before
but to have children, and a husband who is always living in the realm of imagination, does not go together with composing
she cannot work at it regularly, and I am often disturbed to think how many profound ideas are lost because she cannot work them out
jason writes
i saw some guys playing small sided soccer in the next field so i drove over, when i got there i was in my boots and jeans and i asked if they needed another player, who i asked definitely thought i was crazy and didn’t realize i had a change of shoes
he said “ next sunday be here at ten, don’t forget ! ” so i said okay i won’t
they were an interesting group of people who were battling it out, small sides means i won’t head the ball but these guys seemed pretty rough which translates into me being especially picked on !
jason writes
i was flying my drone at an open field at a park, in new york you’re not supposed to fly drones in parks but i think as long as you’re respectful you won’t get bothered
well, i’m flying the drone and focused when i hear someone say something behind me and i look around to see a man and his son, the surprise making me crash land the drone with it ending up upside down
well they’re just standing five feet away from me and my whole face is covered with a neckie and a winter hat, so i’m just staring at them for several seconds without them saying anything and i say “ how do you do ? ”
he says they just find it interesting so i said “ okay just be careful because i’m new ”
and he said how it was impressing and how he goes to best buy and they’re expensive and they have all these features, he says how planes need to land like drones
so i keep flying some more until the battery runs out and i begin to walk back to my car, i see a vision of a big drone flying through the sky being controlled by a small black silhouetted person, then i “ get out ” of the vision and a rhyming homily comes to me, but i didn’t write it down so i forgot and it’s another piece of writing gone forever . .
i do not fear
to love
very moving
, the singing and music match the poem well
i love the russian voice and english subtitles !
xyz who has been getting worse this northern hemisphere winter asks
how can i get the
BCD working ?
how do i know if its working ?
r e p l y
you need to understand the
SCD as well as the
stool quality is a good indication and feeling of well being
lots of writing on the web
i was thinking you need to sleep warm and really the magnetic field should not be above
.1 mG
you are just not putting the work in the right places
marijuana is an immune suppressant and can cause herpes outbreaks
“ SIR, — A variety of stimuli are known to trigger a recurrence of latent herpes simplex infection.
A rise in temperature, physical trauma, exposure to ultraviolet light, steroids, and anxiety with a presumed liberation of adrenaline are
well-known provoking factors
Cannabis smoking has not, to my knowledge,
previously been noted as a provoking agent causing recurrent herpes simplex ”
xyz’s reply was antagonistic with the following re-quote, the mark of a true addict
cannabis smoking
has not , to my knowledge, previously been noted as a provoking agent causing recurrent herpes simplex
r e p l y
“ cannabis smoking has not ”
so why don’t you read the link and why don’t you understand the phrase “ previously been noted ”
, meaning it is now noted
why are you asking question about electric blankets and heaters that we have gone over before
don’t sleep with the electric blanket on
heaters are a question of distance, don’t you have a magnetic field meter ?
you are going in returning circles !
it was extremely disprespectful to your mother to blot out her dying with your use of cannabis, you don’t get that do you ?
last night being warm but the night sky being clouded over with little or no moonlight
, i was sort of half dozing , sitting on the woodpile and was taken in the visionary of the most amazing garden, full of beautiful flowers and walks, like nothing i have ever seen in intensity and beauty . .
where did this come from ?
it was literally overflowing !
if you write entertaining you can make money, or at least you used to, but i’m not sure, there’s always a life sadness . .
the world does not weight words
the world does not weigh words
what is religion ?
the insane gabbling to the insane
voynich pretending to sense
retardation masquerading as intelligence
what is buddhism ?
the insane gabbling to the insane
voynich pretending to sense
retardation masquerading as intelligence
what is islam ?
the insane gabbling to the insane
voynich pretending to sense
retardation masquerading as intelligence
what is christianity ?
the insane gabbling to the insane
voynich pretending to sense
retardation masquerading as intelligence
what is zen ?
the insane gabbling to the insane
voynich pretending to sense
retardation masquerading as intelligence
i think substances damage the brain, that’s my objection !
drug users are narcissistic, never seen an exception !
xyz writes
i can smoke a little bit of pot and i feel like i can digest way better than normal
i’ve heard of people microdosing with pot, not sure their reasoning
still pot makes me crazy lethargic and
empty-headed, completely messes with my memory too
yeah you are a bit different for reasons you know !
you’ve been to edge and come back !
i jump back and forth again all the time
yeah you are a bit different for reasons you know !
you’ve been to edge and come back !
i jump back and forth all the time
confused history to say the least, no doubt half of america will be thinking marie antionnette and joan of arc were
BFFs !
oddly it is quite effectively surreal !
the advertisers are to be congratulated !
has a touch of alice in wonderland too !
an r|zen question
How do you know if you are enlightened or not ?
a typical western bar scene, groups of men around tables, one or two at the bar when the saloon doors swing forcibly open and “ zen the enlightened ” walks in, a six gun strapped to each side
he looks at the sign “ hang up your guns here ” by empty pegs and ignores it
he swanks over to the bar and tells the barman to get him a liquor !
the barman timorously asks him “ what type ” and “ zen ” replies “ the usual ”
the barman creeps away and back with a bottle with “ liquid enlightenment ” on the label and pours it into a shot glass !
“ zen ” turns around addressing the room, as he lifts it to his lips asking, “ any objections ”
the room cowers and turn their heads down looking at their cards or whatever again and “ zen ” swiggs the shot
several seconds later, clutching his throat and gagging he rushes out of the room followed by guffaws and knowing laughter !
the room settles back to normalcy and last seen “ zen ” was chasing dust devils three towns towards the coast !
marianne moore reading her poem
i think something comes through with her voice
nothing i have ever done has fitted
even not fitting !
nothing i have ever done has fitted
even not fitting
nothing i have ever done has fitted
even the not fitting !
nothing i have ever done has fitted
even the not fitting
the title and first line of a poem by marianne moore
the mind is an enchanted thing
is an enchanting thing
that’s not a correction but a phase shift, the meaning is somehow between the lines !
on the plus side you have more experience
on the negative you are decaying
the aging brain
on the plus side you have more experience
on the negative its decaying
life seems to hold deep secrets
tarnished depths spinning to further tarnished depths
but it turns
be nothing
life seems to hold deep secrets
tarnished depths spinning to tarnished depths
but it turns
be nothing
life seems to hold secrets
tarnished depths spinning to tarnished depths
but it turns
be nothing
on the use of ceremonial incense
the fragrance of stupidity worshipping perfume ?
well mosquito repellent actually !
on the use of incense at buddhist services
the fragrance of stupidity worshipping perfume ?
well mosquito repellent actually !
i’ve had it with r|zen, if you yap all the other dogs bite you !
are humans anything more than hormonal breeding machinery ?
not the way most act !
are humans anything more than hormonal breeding machinery ?
a good explanation of what happened
at argincourt
still i think the english invasion of france was a disaster, the miracle is that they held it with so few troops, a flaw joan of arc exploited, the english knew the degree to which she was a threat and treated her accordingly
religion only looks good if you exclude quality literature, art, thinking and song
and that’s what they do
r|zen only looks good if you exclude quality literature, art, thinking and song
and that’s what they do
religion only looks good if you exclude quality art
r|zen only looks good if you exclude quality art
maya deren
addicted to speed btw and died young !
transfigured time at land
cheap doesn’t necessarily mean doesn’t work or isn’t reliable
just research the brand and see what people who have used them think
cheap doesn’t necessarily mean doesn’t work or isn’t reliable
cheap doesn’t necessarily mean doesn’t work
cheap doesn’t mean doesn’t work
existance is non existance
non existance is existance
which one ?
what order ?
non existance is existance
existance is non existance
which one ?
everything is a very slow process, you just have to see how things develop
everything is a very slow process
you just have to see how things develop
everything is a very slow process you just have to see how things develop
in the end (ed. conflict on r|zen) you just get battle fatigue, you are young, one day you will understand !
ewk is burning like a blow torch, but one day he will burn out
all for what ?
what you should get with meditation is to see your default mode patterns and get some real contemplative problem solving done
people don’t seem to do this !
i honestly don’t know what they do
. .
what you should get with meditation is to see your default mode patterns and get some real contemplative problem solving done
people don’t seem to do this !
if you don’t read quality there’s no hope !
i would describe solipsist as rational self centered, which is pretty much what people are on about anyway !
maybe not rational enough !
sepehr, your wife’s coming from a communal context, but what i am on about is solipsist !
“ harmony, mindfulness, and compassion ” is consumerism and degeneracy
all this discussion on zen is meaningless without large amounts of solitary contemplative time (which includes writing imo)
, no-one on r|zen does that, there is a much larger mystical world than zen and i am sick of dealing with bad mannered thugs and outright psychotics so am not posting there anymore !
ewk writes a lot for sure, but its missionizing and not contemplative time !
the solipsist nature of what this work is about
, it is actually irrelevant anyone’s “ level of wisdom and contemplative depth ”
you are the universe !
the solipsist nature of what this work is about
, it is actually irrelevant anyone’s “ level of wisdom and contemplative depth ”
jasons has some raspberries with a tiny bit of mold and wants to know if he can just remove the moldy parts
chuck the really mouldy ones and just heat the rest to about
68°C, that will kill anything
you just don’t want too much mould as they could have heat stable toxins in
fruit moulds are generally ok, if the amount of mould is not too large and they are pasturized
moulds are fungi
mostly digestive enzymes want to be taken with or soon after the meal, but again some depends
, no fenol seems ok taken a bit later !
the thing about writing is its yours, you don’t have anything else and anybody else’s opinion doesn’t matter a damn
question everything
question a question
question everything
question a question
write for yourself and you can never be disappointed
write for yourself and you’ll never be disappointed
a white pencil moon
swathed in a
pink filligree
a pencil moon
swathed in a
pink filligree
the sun has gone from the clouds in the east, now they are a dull grey
the fire in the west
the sun has gone from the clouds in the east, now they are a dull grey
the fire is in the west
a famous russian
film made in
1970 , called
white sun of the desert
bella akhmadulina was born on the tenth of april
1937 during the peak of the
great purge
her moving
maybe the poem was about her friend
bulat okudzhava whose life certainly fits the bill !
there is an
unusual beauty to bella !
there’s no winners except people’s ideas of who has won
quote by chuck palahniuk, from the film ‘ fight club ’
“ If you could be either God’s worst enemy or nothing, which would you choose ? ”
my reply
i don’t choose
go for a walk by yourself along the beach !
7th patriarch walking meditation !
go for a walk by yourself on the beach !
7th patriarch walking meditation !
go for a walk along the beach !
go for a walk on the beach !
interesting post on a monero robbery !
“ this openness turned out to be an expensive error ”
sports and the armed services are full of stupid thugs out to injure you for their entertainment !
you can’t abandon “ your conditioned mind ” can you ?
why huineng is the founder of zen relates to his illiteracy, without the usual being lost in endless religious tracts he can only be talking about fugue states of infinity being the basis of buddhahood or whatever you want to call it !
death is always the other side of armed services, too close for comfort imo !
alcoholics are commonly deficient in
vitamin A and thiamine !
wisdom of ptahhotep
sepehr, the basic problem is you really think you know better than me despite practically no contemplative work or sufficiently thoughtful reading and the difference of opinion only results in conflict
i have had my fill of conflict !
as i say this work takes a lifetime, your arrogance i cannot nor want to deal with !
i donated blood today for the first time for six months, i’m no philanthropist, i do it to reduce my iron levels (
Hb 139 this time around which is not too bad ! ) and reinvigorate the hematopoietic stem cells, it just amazes me that such a good free service is offered with hot chocolate even !
its important to have adequate vitamin A levels when donating so that the “ awakened ” hematopoietic cells turn
back off after the rbcs are replenished and don’t permanently enter the supply pool !
to lose half a liter of blood like that is a very traumatic event whatever they say so i just went to town, donated blood and left again without any more people contact
i did fill up with diesel at forth and buy some salted hot fried potato chips, mucked around in the beautiful scenery there then went straight back, worked on the computer for an hour or so and then slept three hours
i normally do a little jog before going into the center to raise my blood pressure, i didn’t do that this time and my reading was
85/47 and she just about fell off her chair ! . . : o)
, a couple of squats in the interview room brought it up to
105/68, i have been blessed with a very good cardiovascular system, helped i think by my
Mk7/K2 supplementation and supplementation program in general !
interestingly in the reclining donation chair they measured my blood pressure with a stethoscope to time when they can hear the heart beat in the brachial artery in the elbow as the cuff pressure is slowly dropped !
i researched that later as it was hard
to understand what they are doing !
jason wants a pay rise
i wouldn’t worry about the pay so much at this stage but concentrate on learning skills, to get pay rises you really have to have other jobs to go to and they can see that
Z’s financial success you can see the way to make money is not working for a wage . .
knowing god
is following
knowing about god
is following
even this reply of
yours is a shark, i’m not interested in this shit, i have stuff to work out that is light years ahead of
tom hennen
you are cruel, i have busted my brain on you this morning. all future posts by you will be deleted and this blog is closed permanently to comments
the problem is you are dragging me through spaces i have already traversed and are of no interest to me, but there is stuff ahead to be worked out and you are not taking me into that space !
all translations are limited, not simply by the translator’s understanding but culture and time !
dogen translations i simply give up on because they are so out of touch with what he will have said and the same for ryokan !
poetry is always what its about because of the way articulated thinking is bypassed by the highly dense and associative semantics !
the problem is when you skip over stuff you disagree with with, like for my writing
its really using the reading to investigate, not as a proxy for getting ‘ stuck in ’
, you use reading as a proxy for such an effect !
in effect
, ‘ we the damaged ’ have two modes, one i call “ waiting at the end of time ” which is just meaningless blather and proxying , but the other, so
rarely embarked on i still have trouble believing it, is to penetrate surfaces and move beyond !
sepher, zen is just full of nomenclature bullshit, the term “ samadhi ” is just part of that !
what it all boils down to is quality reading (and not overwriting it with mental junk food like anime, games or ‘ spiritual ’ crap)
and getting solitary contemplative time
i think writing is actually a form of solitary contemplative time
that’s all you have to do
what you are doing is attempting to create a methodology for this rather than talking from the decades of experience it takes to talk sensibly and effectively on the subject
i’m not joking when i say decades !
i’m not saying married with or without kids can’t come to a reasonable understanding, its just they will have limitations compared to a celibate like myself who has, at huge personal cost devoted my life to it !
so focus on your computer studies and get in a bit of quality reading and contemplative time and particularly don’t trash your time with the substandard
what has amazed me is how much better
PxZ has done with a good income, i think if you are married, to have a good income, or at least the prospects of one is essential or you will get too unproductively depressed !
melanoma is
necessarily caused by cumulative mutations in the melanocytes that then malignly activate the
Hgma2 gene !
when i look at philo of alexandria and his toxic crap, judaic priests have a history of treachery that cumulated in the holocast !
the activation of
desphospho-uncarboxylated matrix gla protein by vitamin
K inhibits the calcification of the arteries and other soft tissues
sepehr, you are
a liar , you won’t open a blog or do shikantaza (which i don’t necessarily recommend btw) because you have never done so before
you are a failed shark stuck in pretence, a figit spinner trapped in your own inanity !
i can’t believe the way i have let you butcher my life with your totally narcissistic consumption of my best time !
sepehr replies
I used to attend retreats all the time. You have poor memory. We talked about them a lot
I would have become a disciple in my Soto Zen sangha if it weren’t for their obsession with proper Lotus posture, which almost destroyed my left knee.
r e p l y
what retreats ?
(ed. he says he did three, three day retreats)
no zen i know requires you to sit in the lotus posture. an upright cushion or seiza is fine or even a chair
i really feel you have
ewk-like lying, a constant distortion of the truth in a way that is reality denying and schizophrenic !
you are not listening to me, you are disputing me and infilling your own crap into that space !
the problem with retreats under teachers that are not enlightened which is just about all of them, is you take on a lot of stuff that really screws you up as the retreat process makes you absorptive of these things
‘ samadhi ’ is nonsense, you missionize nonsense, crazy crazy crazy !
the feral cats here
the son fucked his mother
inbreeding galore !
i find my life extremely depressing
i don’t even want to go into it
one craziness after another
and wonderful missed opportunities
the opportunities were missed through lack of persistence
and i persist in areas that make me unhappy . . .
well i got the health stuff right . . .
the armchair bullshitters bullshitting they won’t bullshit
r|zen, the armchair bullshitters bullshitting they won’t bullshit
the armchair bullshitters bullshitting they don’t bullshit
r|zen, the armchair bullshitters bullshitting they don’t bullshit
you have to have good health to be a hermit
you have to have good health to be a hermit
you have to have good health to be a hermit
the last honey hunter
video article
tim keller unknowingly
affirms the mythicist position
“ for example with the greeks, st. paul works more with the doctrine of god and doesn’t get to christ for a long time, with the jews he doesn’t deal with that at all, doesn’t feel he needs to, he needs to get to jesus quicker ”
well that’s because the greeks won’t have any truck with hairbrained jewish archangel mythology and conversely the jews are immersed in it !
evangelism is salemanship, tim knows how to present the product !
no, i don’t understand b/c you aren’t making sense
please rephrase and explain to me what exactly you're trying to tell me. I am genuinely interested in zen and buddhism
you don’t understand because you are not prepared to understand !
buddhism with all its bullshit will suit you !
r|zen is full of the clinically insane
most of what is called zen is projection onto voynich !
anime is escapism !
get it ?
no !
japanese culture can be really toxic, be wary !
this mania to write “ children’s books ” seems to me an exercise in
something that is not cognitively challenging and is pretty
the web has permantly changed publishing as you might expect if you put a superb physical publishing device in every home !
book publishing, except for a tiny percentage compared to what used to be the case is unprofitable !
the big commercial success “ shades of grey ” sprang from its author’s web experience in fan fiction, and while the book is junk, she is a powerful writer stylistically and hit a very large market !
my blog is open to comments again
interestingly i have stopped commenting on r|zen, people were coming across from some of the crazy subbreddits (like r|thelema) to tell me how wrong i am and hassle me !
the net is not normal,
50% malfunctional insane but not institutionalized i’d say !
sepehr you don’t listen to me do you ?
its such a basic, if you think i know what i am on about why don’t you listen ?
if you are god, your very omniscience creates
if you are god, your very omniscience creates the condition of
if you are god, your omniscience creates the very condition of
if you are god, your very condition of omniscience creates
A role of a father is to protect children from their mother
my restatement
the role of children is to protect their father from their mother
jason writes
when i was around sixteen i got my father a bottle opener with his name on it for christmas
his quiet response was “ you all are always telling me to stop drinking and you get me this ? ”
my mother chastised him about his drinking
money spent today is not there tomorrow
money spent today is not there tomorrow
a reply to jason
i don’t think your father wants to live and the alcoholism is just a device to expedite it
not the best way to go about it !
sepehr, what i have found dealing with the crazies on r|zen is they skip the main points i raise, like i said you were collecting reliquaries and using me for entertainment
that is, what you are doing is nothing like what i am interested in and your behavior is that of a shark
you must have fed well because you don’t seem to want “ to be set out to sea ”
your “ reliquary collecting ” has been very consistent over the years and i want nothing to do with it or you, fooled once i don’t intend to be making that mistake for the rest of my life !
you are unusual in that you have “ visionary ability ”
, but like your dream of getting lost in that building with a red entrance and then ending up in some bizarre space of brains in vessels outside bodies in a lab and a twisted puppet, you take wrong turns that cannot be righted
there may have been hope if you had remained unmarried but as it is you are in a different paradigm and i want to avoid
being crucified by you !
if you can’t tell whether to go or stay show this dialogue to your wife and ask her opinion on it !
sepehr asks about me recommending these books by beatea grant
I II on ch’an nuns from the seventeenth century
my reply
what good does it do you to read this stuff ?
you are just collecting “ holy reliquaries ”
really all these years and the way you waste my time !
i finally emailed richard carrier asking
you won’t know me but i have wondered why you have never crossed swords with david bentley hart, who i would say is the leading christian apologist today, much more subtle than the people you have been used to dealing with !
i live in australasia and have no contact with him, but suspect a debate with him would draw a wide audience !
richard replied
He can’t be that leading. I’ve never heard of him and nothing he has written is even in the top sixty selling Apologetics on Amazon
I had to dig all the way to number
seventy-six on the amazon apologetics best sellers list to find anything
by him
By contrast, Keller occasionally competes for number one and remains top ten. That’s why I chose him to complete a blog series on instead
Why is Hart any better or more important than Keller ? Or any of the twenty or so other more popular Christian apologists on that list ? (Please know I really can t rebut every apologist even on the top twenty much less top one hundred; I only have time for a tiny few. Their stuff is usually all the same anyway)
my reply
keller is just another of the idiot clones, they are so dumb its not interesting !
david hart is orthodox and mystical and philosophical, its much more subtle than what you are used to and will extend you !
he has some videos on youtube, worth going through if just to improve your debating skills and thinking !
the intellectual and popular are different cultures !
just a btw, your work has been very helpful to me, i was brought up in church boarding schools and i can now piece together the bible is quite a different way !
a real life who dunnit, way more interesting than the fictional
the murder or accidental shooting of
william desmond taylor
what you are in opposition to
will to some extent define you
be careful
what you are in opposition to, will to some extent define you
be careful
what you are in opposition to, will to some extent define you
the intellectual and popular are different cultures
the intellectual and popular are different cultures
so as we get older we dissolve
into a welter of oxidative stress
“ the mood of young adults (
18-29 years of age) appear to be driven by diet and lifestyle elements that increase availability of neurotransmitter precursors and their concentrations in the brain
a sufficient meat intake and regular exercise are promoting of mood in these young adults !
in mature adults over thirty, the critical determinants of mood were the availability of antioxidants (obtained through fruit intake) and the avoidance of foods and dietary practices that activate the sympathetic nervous system
these include coffee,
high-carbohydrate intake (particularly high glycaemic index carbs) and skipping breakfast ”
$450 million was an obscene price for what was quite likely not painted by leonardo, i thought at the time, it must be a very wealthy buyer with way more money than sense and it turns out
it was !
this chateau looks much better value !
“ do you have your eyes on god ? he has his eyes on you ”
my comment
he can’t be easily bored !
a very good
photo taken in the newton center, massachucetts, by lorianne disabato
so illustrative of the relationship between women and men, yes we all are faceless morphs !
bog post her photo comes from
jason writes
sometimes i get advice and i just scoff
then i look back some time in the future and i think
well that was actually good advice
boring insanity from the catholic church !
the jesuits are notorious for paedophilia btw !
just because you can correct everything, doesn’t mean you should
what is that ?
the truth of infinity
what is that ?
infinite truth
what is it ?
the truth of infinity
what is it ?
i don’t think you are a narcissist
, but basically the world is one endless narcissist
, what do you do ?
i don’t think you are a narcissist
, but the world is basically one endless narcissist
, what do you do ?
i don’t think you are a narcissist
, but the world is one endless narcissist
, what do you do ?
ok, i’m not posting on r|zen anymore
yet another
follower with a clear agenda to troll me !
the basic problem with r|zen is not ewk, but the mods, basically their lack of control favours the buji viewpoint ewk promulgates so in effect the mods are biased in a certain “ political ” direction !
the mods will be happy to see me gone !
i think i’ll have to stop reading r|zen as well, its damaging to read the shit they write, one takes it on board unless one is there in the fray denying the bullshit
so any readers there are caught, dammed if they do take part and dammed if they don’t
you can spend years doing a plumbing course, but basically there’s only one skill, undoing things !
An old master is at the funeral of one of his friends. He is weeping. One of his students is shocked at the old master's expression of emotion. He asks the master “ Where is your equanimity ? ” The master replies “ Let me grieve my friend ! ”
if he had a friend he wasn’t a zen master !
this shit (jason, being unable to change a tap washer, getting a dog groomer to clip his dog’s nails when he should have done them himself) is the real zen, solving real life problems and not walking away from the too hard
If you meet a Zen master on the road and you want to greet them but you can't use words or gestures, how do you greet them ?
the answer to the koan is you have already greeted them !
historically zen was the deconstruction of buddhism and the reconstruction incorporating greek philosophy
What is enlightenment ?
the infusion of infinity into a small brain that can barely cope with what comes
the problem with card games is skilled people can cheat and you can’t tell
ewk titles a quote from the record of
Dongshan teaches true Zen meditation
and then quotes
A monk asked : What is the proper questioning and answering ?
When it doesn’t come from the mouth : replied Dongshan
If someone were to question you, would you answer or not ? : asked the monk
I’ve never been questioned : replied the Master
my reply
A monk asked : What is the proper questioning and answering ?
there is no proper questioning and answering : replied the
7th patriarch
the monk was dumbfounded !
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
grass_skirt opined that “ dumbfounded monks need a support group ”
my comment was that generally they become abbotts !
r|zen seems like a honeypot for attracting the narcissistic insane
. .
r|zen seems like a honeypot for attracting the narcissistic insane
r|zen seems like a honeypot for attracting the narcissistic insane
“ you don’t need to read any scriptures ”
well i think you need to read scriptures just to see how wrong they are !
r|zen is a conglomeration of the insane, narcissistic, pathological liars, the inattentive, failed bullshit artists, druggists . . .
its a conglomeration of the insane, narcissistic, pathological liars, the inattentive, failed bullshit artists, druggists . . .
r|zen is is infested with chronic brainless narcissists
a man will take orders from the mother of his children and not much else
the authentic zen is celibate, anything married with kids is just bullshit
you of all people know that !
the authentic zen is celibate, anything married with kids is just bullshit
neither of your teachers were enlightened !
the transmission system has meant that zen is infested with idiots who think they understand what zen is about !
the sixth patriarch was illiterate and i suspect joshu and more than few of the other “ masters ” were to
zen says become enlightened yourself, no depending on the quotes of others
what zen master pushed bad translations ?
new age is passé, even as a criticism
new age is passé, even as a criticism
“ for you ”
isn’t you an illusion ?
too easy ?
let me guess, the tool box is empty as you try to hammer in a nail with your thumb !
“ when its ultimate truth is in its abandonment ”
not bad, but not really right !
ultimately it circumvents the impossibly of you being “ infinity ”
the ultimate truth is the abandonment of approaches
“ when zen’s ultimate truth is in its abandonment ”
not bad, but not really right !
ultimately it circumvents the impossibly of you being “ infinity ”
the ultimate truth is the abandonment of approaches
caring doesn’t have levels, though i don’t know what it is !
caring doesn’t have levels, though i don’t know what it is !
wikis are
co-operative, they are not personally owned like a reddit
OP or comment !
william carlos williams : a poem is a small machine made out of words
yup that’s what i do
a small machine is exactly what
this poem is !
zen masters deny ‘ zen is a tool ’
zen patriarchs get upset when the notion is mentioned
idiots spew it as right !
zen masters deny zen is a tool
zen patriarchs get upset when the notion is mentioned
idiots spew it as right !
you probably haven’t had much opportunity to be out in a rural or coastal area in moonlight, no houses around ?
so that’s “ i am the moon ” and if you really feel it, its a form of death !
i am death i am dying
i’m the moon i am crying
i am death i am dying
i am the moon i am crying
poem is about beauty and death, you likely find it too much to handle and resist being drawn into it
its the other side of suicide is a way of explaining it !
that’s where the zen patriarchs live, too much for the “ norms ” i am afraid !
i am death i am dying
i am the moon i am crying
i like this poem, its to do with beauty and death
the idiot man
his guts
the crazy girl
obsesses about
missing her
at home !
claims are easily made, the facts can be different !
like all roads, that goes two ways
well don’t leave your way untraveled !
sand motor will be
a useful technique in new zealand with all its sandy beaches !
the notion of “ zen master ” is an illusion !
same for any ‘ religious ’ priest !
the notion of “ zen master ” is an illusion
same for any ‘ religious ’ priest
the notion of “ zen master ” is an illusion !
the notion of “ zen master ” is an illusion
they all hate me, but they are all looking for my approval, what the fuck . . ! ?
they all hate me, but they are all looking for my approval, what the fuck . . ?
yeah conflict (ed. on r|zen) creates its own seeming reality, the question is always whether the time is better spent and actually i know for sure i should be doing other things
there’s around and around to the same place or around and around to a different place !
How do we do either ?
you are not aware of returning patterns in your life ?
there’s around and around to the same place or around and around to different places !
there’s around and around to the same place or around and around to a different place !
i think you get very different answers about what zen is depending on who you ask, i really don’t think anyone can override public domain use which varies !
unless you are an r|zen don quixote ! (ewk, dhammakayaram, druggists etc !)
jason, you are not earning much, you really have to be parsimonious with what you buy, you seem to have some mental blocks that you are very slow to pick up on, poor reality orientation
you saw the problems with having to work too hard for too little money and substandard accomodation in rural massachucetts
you are not getting you are below the poverty line
i worked my guts out for years earning below the poverty line, not making that mistake again !
why hasn’t that sunk in ?
without the free accomodation your father supplies you would be in big trouble
you are not earning much, you really have to be parsimonious with what you buy, you seem to have some mental blocks that you are very slow to pick up on, poor reality orientation
, the origins of the “ silent illumination ” heresy, goes right back to the dawn of zen with hongren !
this is not zen and the sixth/first patriarch represents a distinct break
, ‘ individuation’ is a screw up of plato !
eat plato’s dust !
, ‘ individuation’ is a screw up of plato !
you’re another fuckwit
meta’ing like it means something
brain damaged in spades (ed. from very extensive drug use) and can’t admit it !
Isn’t it egotistical to say “ Zen is the TRUE way ” ?
I have seen many zen buddhists and authors saying zen is the true way. Isn’t it egotistical ? How we know that zen is true ?
its not !
why should it be ?
however there is a true way that can be seen in hindsight but not the projection called foresight !
such a strong looking woman i thought, but she died at the age of
44 from anorexia and amphetamines
maya deren
what zen master confused enlightenment with lsd ?
drug users are narcissistic, never seen an exception !
so full of themselves yet they need to post on r|zen !
i think substances damage the brain, that’s the objection !
my grandfather had type
2 diabetes and was heavily overweight
he spent his last years watching the teletubbies !
no ! no! i will
not be . . .
sorta hypnotic really but the rabbits grazing in daylight spoils the hypnotic effect with too jarring a
dys-synchronicity with reality . . .
2 diabetes is quite avoidable apparently
remission was achieved in
86% of participants who lost
15 kg, while
73% of subjects losing at least
10 kg also reversed their diabetes ”
fat people do not want to lose weight, yet complain about the consequences !
extant = existance
russia, land of
gratuitous violence !
i . will . have . the . last . word
ewk, anyone with half a brain occasionally asks the “ why ” of what they do, you never do apparently !
anyone with half a brain occasionally asks the “ why ” of what they do, you never do apparently !
jason asks if i always try to breathe with expanding my stomach ?
never, except once you learn how to do it, it comes naturally when you need to
do you notice you have to tell me how i should and shouldn’t feel ?
i take you are not married or in a relationship ?
do you notice you have to tell me how i should and shouldn’t feel ?
i “ mediate/contemplate ” for about three hours a day and have done so for years
do you notice how you are trying to tell me how i feel ?
i gotta admit, i have never been a fan of the platform sutra, but when i read it, its really unique and has to come from a really different person who wasn’t afraid “ to tell it like it is ”
the raison d’etres of r|zen
spewing endless quotes makes me intelligent and enlightened despite all my drug taking and stupidity
inane hubric comments make me intelligent and enlightened despite all my drug taking and stupidity
complete control of content hopefully achieved by endless bashing of what i don’t like makes me an enlightened master
dumb adulation of the person just above because i’m so lazy i can’t even be bothered to think makes me an enlightened master
the essence of zen which is intelligent contemplation is so far away from my ideas of what zen is about i must always attack it aggressively !
nothing is so narrow that it can’t be made narrower !
“ On January the sixteenth,
1778, Christel von Lassberg, the daughter of a court official in Weimar who was embroiled in an unhappy love affair, jumped from a bridge into the icy waters of the River Ilm and drowned
A copy of Werther was found in her pocket — or was that only a rumor too ?
At all events
, Goethe was summoned from a nearby pond where he was skating with the duke (how cold the river must have been)
, and he immediately ordered a grotto to be dug in memory of the unlucky girl
He wielded a pickaxe and shovel himself and told his platonic lover Charlotte von Stein that they worked deep into the night
‘ In the end I continued alone until the hour when she had died; that’s the kind of evening it was
Orion stood so beautifully in the sky . . . there is something dangerously attractive and inviting about this grief, like the water itself, and the reflection of the stars of heaven that shines from both ’ ”
my comment
for love to be quenched in the cold waters is the truth
what is this
“ no-god ” you atheists worship ?
i think it was buddha who said : don’t even start
muhammad to isis actually !
you have the right ward, dunning_kruger hell, but this is the outright_psychotic floor and you need failed_artist, two floors down
why be a buddhist to be reincarnated as an insect ?
personally i’m going for jehovah’s witnesses, even non believers can get paradise on earth !
“ is the self to be found in the putative fact that conscious states are
reflexively aware of themselves, or does it live in the penumbra of conscious experience, or in the mechanisms that sustain consciousness ? ”
ewk, the way you distort everything is pathological, a con artist makes money from what they do, you derive
anti-benefit from this bad habit !
basically nothing gets through to you, you are mentally ill !
: o (
ewk, the way you distort everything is pathological, a con artist makes money from what they do, you derive
anti-benefit from this bad habit !
the way you distort everything is pathological, a con artist makes money from what they do, you derive
anti-benefit from this bad habit !
“ No lie : I have been working on some problems before bed and solved them in my dream ”
dreaming very occasionally has mystical content, but its not the norm, without meditative or contemplative work, what zen is about will always remain foreign to you !
“ like ” is not a reason we do a lot of things
i can’t say i like meditation or contemplation !
“ like ” is not a reason we do a lot of things
i can’t say i like meditation or contemplation
“ like ” is not the reason we do a lot of things !
i can’t say i like meditation or contemplation !
“ like ” is not the reason we do a lot of things
i can’t say i like meditation or contemplation
what i notice with meditation is a lot of people waste their time, they are too busy doing things !
i really like the term ‘ instructionless ’ with reference to it !
any medicinal benefit of pot is before the “ high stage ” and in most cases well before !
the high stage is brain damage, particularly the hippocampus !
“ smoking also led to a less active
hippocampus , which is the area of the brain associated with storing and retrieving memories ”
“ what zen master uttered the koan,
what is the sound of one hand clapping ? ”
lol, one lip flapping ! : o)
jason, you struck it lucky with james, you won’t ever find such a good manager again in your working life !
the pays not much but you can turn that to your advantage by using some company time to advance your knowledge and skills, in other words paying yourself in future income
please don’t waste your time on motorcycles !
i don’t understand your second paragraph, could you explain what you mean by using company time ?
if you do something that having as skill adds value, take extra time to improve your skill or understanding, this may involve probing others for knowledge
i think james understands that too, he explains and shows things more than once
i’m always asking questions if i’m wondering why they’re doing something
what seems abnormal, obscene, dangerous or threatening to one generation seems normal to the next
what seems obscene or dangerous or threatening to one generation seems normal to the next
what seems obscene to one generation seems normal to the next
ewk, you really are an arsehole, you totally disrespect the time anyone puts into a reply to you, just spammy cut and paste responses then back to final fantasy
XV ?
you really are an arsehole, you totally disrespect the time anyone puts into a reply to you, just spammy cut and paste responses then back to final fantasy
XV ?
the only way you will make sense of zen outside its riffraff public domain use, like zen restaurant, or cool or whatever is to ask what zen is about !
its very simple
, its the mystical reconstruction of buddhism and daoism in the same way you have christian or islamic/sufi mysticism !
so you are basically asking what is the mystical reality at the core of these traditions and its not going to vary one iota between them
that is a life’s work !
one advantage zen has over christian and islamic mysticism is the really tolerant religious environment that china was in those days, call jesus or muhammad a shit stick, you can already smell your burning flesh !
also zen is heavily influenced by greek and
indo-greek philosophy coming along the silk road !
hieroglyphs and the
sumerian tablets are a testimony to how persistent writing can be
literal time machines from four to five thousand years ago
the true voynich can get you killed by the old voynich
“ Are there any zen texts for kids under the age of five ? ”
zen is a disease, read something worthwhile like a.a milne !
anything religious fucks children up !
the inflated fake
stuck for words
or even
the ability to
what is posted to him
i think you really have to think about the probability of your having a serious accident on a motorcycle, in your case it seems quite high
for one thing you would be starting riding too late
unlike you i have had countless hours on farm bikes as a teenager, the skill never leaves you
endless the spewing religious bullshit
countless the morons repeating it
i guess !
endless the spewing zen bullshit
countless the morons repeating it
i guess !
motorcycles have horrendous magnetic fields because the electronic ignition is usually right under the drivers seat !
humans can’t do anything without conflict it makes you weep
you can’t do anything without conflict it makes you weep
you have deeper issues than being stupid !
true !
i’ve always been told how smart i am !
in my family its NOT a compliment, but an indictment !
well, we have a commonality, at one place i worked i was consistently told that if i was any smarter, i’d be dangerous !
a sorta
smart-stupid i guess, i’ve been that way all my life !
the best sort of woman is one who never replies but waits for cirumstances to make an apt reply
what are my themes ?
life is cruel, failure is the norm, everybody is mistaken in the process of becoming more mistaken ̲ ̲ ̲
this is the swirl of dust simone weil calls god
what are my themes ?
life is cruel, failure is the norm, everybody is mistaken in the process of becoming more mistaken ̲ ̲ ̲
i think music is part of alma deutsher’s emotionality, they are not distinguishable
simply to be herself, female and run through the emotions as they do will generate tunes and melodies
its a bit kinesthetic as well
i feel there’s a slight discordance there which would figure with her being on autistic spectrum !
she can have hardly been rejected but seems to feel rejection very strongly, its a theme in her operas !
real zen masters use their own words
stupid demented fakes dribble the words of others
brain injured ex footballers advise to read the words of others
politics is just another process of
self-identity !
politics is just another process of
self-identity !
when you get entangled in the lives of others you can’t see the entanglement, its only outside the involvement you can see the entanglement
you have deeper issues than being stupid !
mentally ill people are sharks, they eat you alive with their hubric needs
mentally ill people are sharks, they eat you alive with their hubric needs
you’re hubric stupid in spades
you’re hubric stupid in spades
sepehr, you are a shark, you have spilled my time to no value and at huge cost to myself
things can go really wrong in life, its a shock to realise this
things can go really wrong in life, its a shock to realise this
you’re a retarded child caught in an unfriendly jungle of trash !
What is the purpose of this comment of yours ?
you are in denial ?
you’re a retarded child caught in an unfriendly jungle of trash !
why people write idiocy until the end of time is beyond me
People, sure, but what about you ? Why do you write . . . what you write ?
writing is a form of conciousness that involves memory more persistently than conciousness
so its really an extension of conciousness
the quality of that extension matters
why people write idiocy until the end of time is beyond me
the problem is your lack of research and having easy opinions on what it takes decades to think about
existance is what
non-existance vacated
since infinity is everything, it must also be what its not
how can it be what its not ?
what its not manifests as a denial of what it is !